Friday, March 28, 2014

This Too Shall Pass

I’m dedicating today’s post to my mother, who died eight years ago today.  I’m wiping away tears fairly steadily today and I think now is a good time to act upon the “C”—which stands for “contribute to others”—from the DBT concepts of A.C.C.E.P.T.S.

I hope these words from handwritten excerpts from my mother’s journals lift your spirits as they did mine when I came across them and “contribute” in some way to a positive moment or two for you.

“If you ever get a chance to ride a bull, fly an airplane, or stand on your head, do it.”

“Thank you, God, for eyes to see our loved ones, birds in the trees, and clouds in the sky. Thank you for the power to enjoy children—if not our own, those of others. Thank you for the chance to help others.”

 “Dress wild if you want to. Don’t live for others.”

“It sometimes takes longer to get over a good time than it does to have one.”

“I do my thing and you do yours.”

“The greatest need in the world is common sense.”

“God remind me that no matter what I do or fail to do, there is still hope for me as long as I have faith in you.”

“Hug people.”

“If all your thoughts are negative, you’ve been marinated in vinegar.”

“Take a sweater along.”

“Teach children and don’t protect them from life.”

“Help me, Lord, to feel the strength of your power inside me to do your will.”

“This too shall pass.”



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